Eventi Secondaria di secondo grado DDI Inglese

1 Dicembre 2020 - 1 ora

Where life is tough

Le Lingue Live SS2

con  Silvia Chini


Rivolto alle/ai docenti della scuola secondaria di secondo grado 

War has always been a major topic in literature and battlefields have often been used as settings for prose, poetry and drama. In the English speaking world battles and wars have been taken into consideration starting from the first written account in Old English, the epic poem Beowulf but it was WWI that gave the world some of the most innovative and introspective works ever written. In this webinar we will take into consideration examples of war literature from WWI to contemporary wars. Teachers will have the possibility to explore a new approach to war literature with many class/online activities that not only integrate IT in the lesson but also give the possibility to create interdisciplinary connections.


Silvia Chini, appassionata di viaggi e lingue ha sostenuto numerose esperienze formative presso Università straniere e appena laureata si è impegnata nel mondo dell’istruzione insegnando inglese e tedesco in scuole secondarie di secondo grado. Da alcuni anni collabora sotto varie forme con le case editrici Rizzoli e Mondadori.


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