Eventi Secondaria di secondo grado Inglese

10 Dicembre 2024 - 1 ora

Unlocking Lit: Choice Boards & The Multimodal Classroom

Le Lingue Live

con  Cristina Prandi

Rivolto alle/ai docenti della scuola secondaria di secondo grado


Spark Student Engagement: Unleash the Power of Choice Boards with Multimodal Learning! This dynamic webinar delves into the transformative world of multimodal learning, where diverse communication tools become our allies. We’ll explore how to integrate images, videos and other materials to cater to every learning style and engage our students even when the time of assessment comes.

To do this, we’ll unveil the secret weapon of differentiation: choice boards. Learn how to design these student-centered organizers, empowering learners to demonstrate their understanding through a variety of creative tasks and activities.
Join us and discover:

  • the science behind multimodal learning: Why it boosts engagement and comprehension;
  • turning theory into practice: Hands-on strategies to design engaging tasks that cater to diverse learning styles;
  • unleashing creativity: Choice boards for analyzing characters, themes, and literary devices;
  • technology as your friend: Free and easy tools to build interactive choice boards.

This webinar will help you transform your English literature classroom into a vibrant hub of exploration and understanding!


Cristina Prandi consegue la Laurea in Lingue e Letterature Straniere a presso l’università di Torino, e un Master in Didattica e Programmazione. Dal 1993 insegna lingua e letteratura inglese presso un liceo classico, scientifico e linguistico dove ricopre anche la mansione di responsabile della sezione ESABAC e di funzione strumentale per la didattica. Teacher trainer in Metodologia e Didattica della Lingua Inglese per USR Piemonte, con la passione per le nuove tecnologie e la didattica innovativa, da anni tiene corsi agli insegnanti dei vari ordini di scuole.

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