Eventi Secondaria di secondo grado Inglese

12 Novembre 2024 - 1 ora

Next-Gen Lit Learning: AI Strategies in the English Classroom

Intelligenza artificiale nella didattica

con  Cristina Prandi

Rivolto alle/ai docenti della scuola secondaria di secondo grado


The traditional English classroom can struggle to ignite a passion for literature. This webinar explores the transformative potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools in crafting engaging activities that promote critical thinking and foster deeper analysis. We’ll delve into practical strategies for leveraging AI to create:

  • Interactive character analysis tools: Explore motivations, relationships, and thematic significance beyond basic biographical details.
  • Adaptive activities: Encourage interpretive thinking and deeper understanding of symbolism and thematic development.
  • Personalized creative prompts: Tailor prompts to individual student strengths and interests, fostering critical thinking, stylistic experimentation, and voice development.

This webinar provides high school English educators with practical, real-world examples you can readily implement in your classroom. Learn how to:

  • Utilize AI for differentiated instruction that caters to diverse student needs and learning styles.
  • Design authentic learning experiences that encourage critical analysis, evidence-based discussions, and a genuine appreciation for literature.
  • Empower students to become active participants in their learning journey, fostering curiosity and exploration.

This webinar equips you with the tools to transform your classroom into a vibrant hub for literary exploration. Imagine lively debates around character choices, in-depth discussions about symbolism, and classrooms buzzing with the energy of creative exploration. Join us and discover how AI can become a powerful ally in your quest to cultivate a vibrant and engaging English language classroom.


Cristina Prandi consegue la Laurea in Lingue e Letterature Straniere a presso l’università di Torino, e un Master in Didattica e Programmazione. Dal 1993 insegna lingua e letteratura inglese presso il Liceo Classico, Scientifico, Linguistico e delle Scienze Umane “Giolitti – Gandino” di Bra (CN), dove ricopre anche la mansione di responsabile della sezione ESABAC e di funzione strumentale per la didattica. Formatrice su più fronti, fortemente interessata alle nuove tecnologie e alla nuova didattica, da anni tiene corsi agli insegnanti dei vari ordini di scuole.


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